Eventually the day arrives when you look in the mirror and the image looking back at you does not look the same as the way you feel. Aging kind of sneaks up on you. You may look tired, be a little bit jowly; your neck may have bands and you cannot tell where the face ends and the neck begins. And then your jawline is gone!
What is one to do to rejuvenate themself and turn back the clock? Many people will consider a facelift, but they want to look natural and refreshed. Some fear looking "different," or the possible pain and discomfort of a facelift. However, modern techniques allow for a relatively pain-free experience that will leave the patient looking and feeling years younger.
When people use the term "facelift," many ideas come to mind. Many think of the entire face, including the forehead, eyes, face and neck, while others are only referring to the lower face and neck. Descriptive terms vary from surgeon to surgeon, so it is important for patients to clarify what is being discussed. Ensuring that the patient and the surgeon are on the same page is of the utmost importance.
The 10-time "Best of the Best" Facial Plastic Surgeon and "Best of the Best" Cosmetic Surgeon, as voted on by Chattanooga Times Free Press readers each year, Dr. Shire explains that a facelift can be a routine procedure with excellent results that most patients don't even need prescription pain relievers for after surgery. "A pleasant experience and natural-looking results should be the norm and not the exception," says Dr. Shire. "Every surgeon is different," he adds, "so it is important that you schedule a preoperative consultation to speak with your surgeon prior to making any decisions."
Through his 30 years of experience exclusively specializing in the face, Dr. Shire has developed techniques that minimize discomfort, lessen bruising and speed up recovery, without leaving the patient looking like they have been altered without the appearance of being altered.
Dr. Shire's surgical techniques preserving the hairline. Postoperative patients can wear their hair short, pulled back or up without exposing incision lines, thus eliminating the sequela common to facelift procedures. Dr. Shire's surgical techniques preserve the hairline, which will allow you to wear your hair short, pulled back or up without exposing incision lines, thus eliminating the sequela common to facelift procedures. It Dr. Shire's honed method also does not change the shape or position of the ear or ear lobe, and hides scars so they are imperceptible. The operation lifts the deep muscle-fibrous layers of the face and neck, and repositions and secures them. "I don't need to stretch or pull the skin with this technique," Dr. Shire notes.
Dr. Shire recommends that anyone considering a facelift schedule an appointment with an experienced, board-certified facial plastic surgeon to discuss the concerns the patient may have and the options that are available to them. Options could range from a surgical procedure like a facelift, to a non-invasive or minimally invasive procedure such as the EmbraceRF, depending on the patient's lifestyle and desires.