As the holidays so swiftly run by, we'll soon find ourselves falling into 2020. And with that, we start looking forward to the beach! Sadly, the holiday buffets and parties may want to follow us there. We have the solution!
If you've struggled with losing those last few pounds or inches to get your beach bod ready, we can help. Even in January, we have a pain-free, surgery-free solution for you. EVOLVE by InMode gives you a non-surgical solution to trim, tone, and tighten the really stubborn areas. No downtime, no healing, no problem.
EVOLVE uses radio energy to dissolve fat, tighten loose skin, and tone muscle to take years off of your physique. This is the only installation of this therapy in the southeast that lets you erase past problems in our office, with no downtime.
Our launch in November was very successful, and we'll be having an encore event in February (WATCH for your invite). In the meantime, click the button below to learn more and make sure to like our Facebook page to catch all the latest info on this transformative procedure.