A facelift can work wonders by smoothing wrinkles, tightening sagging skin, and boosting your self-confidence. We've put together the answers to the top five most frequently asked questions about facelifts:
1. What is a facelift?

2. Who is a good candidate for a facelift?
A good candidate is a healthy, positive person who does not smoke or have any medical conditions that may interfere with the healing process. He or she should also have realistic expectations.

3. What is involved in the facelift procedure?
The facelift is performed as an outpatient procedure under conscious sedation anesthesia. Dr. Shire uses the hair sparing incision to prevent the loss of hair, the visibility of scars, and any distortion of the ear. Dr. Shire then lifts the deep muscle-fibrous layers of the face and neck and repositions them.

4. What is the facelift recovery process like?
There are no drains, dressings or bandages. There is minimal discomfort, many patients do not require Tylenol. The typical patient is usually able to be out and about in about a week to ten days. Full strenuous activities are usually limited for the first month.

5. What other plastic surgery procedures can be combined with a facelift?
It is very common to have other procedures in conjunction with the facelift. Eyelid surgery, brow lift, and chin augmentation are the most common procedures combined with the facelift in order to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation.