One on the most common concerns patients have about there appearance is their neck. Whether it is sagging skin, a double chin with fat, neck banding, wrinkles or horizontal lines, everyone would like to have a more attractive neck. The causes can be varied and depend on the patient's individual situation
The good news is that now Dr. Shire has new ways to improve the neck, and there are quite a few options available from which to choose. These include non-surgical, surgical or a combination of both. Let us take a closer look at some of the options available to achieve that beautiful neck.

Non-surgical treatment
SENTE Neck Firming Cream
An advanced treatment engineered with patented HSA (Heparan Sulfate Analog) technology and a combination of key ingredients to improve the appearance of skin tone and texture of the delicate skin of the neck and décolletage.
Non-Comedogenic, Dermatologist Tested. Paraben Free, Fragrance Free.
Belotero™ Balance
This is one on the newest and most exciting treatments for lines on the neck.
Belotero is a hyaluronic acid filler that is injected into those horizontal lines of the neck, lifting up wrinkles while also smoothing them out, creating a much smoother neck. This treatment takes 45 minutes in the office with little if any down time.
Surgical Treatment
Liposuction is a simple, quick procedure that can shape and contour the neck and the area under the jaw-line. There is minimal swelling or bruising and little, if any, discomfort. It is quick and effective with long lasting results. It can be done in conjunction with other procedures such as facelifts and implants. It is also an alternative to Kybella.
Lower Facelift (Cervical-facial Rhytidecomy)
Sagging or drooping face and neck, double chin, wrinkled necks, jowls, marionette lines, and neck bands are all signs of aging, and are created by gravity, time, heredity, health, and personal habits like sun tanning and smoking. What used to be residing on your face has relocated further south in your neck. The lower facelift is the best and most effective treatment to reestablish the clean youthful neck and jaw-line. Most sagging necks and jowls will benefit most from a lift to obtain the most natural results.
Chin and Prejowl Implants
One of the most important features of the face and neck is the jaw-line. Good jaw-line definition, and chin projection help to support the tissues of the neck and allow for a more elegant neck. If the patient is lacking in these elements custom implants will help create a beautiful neck and jaw-line. This procedure is usually preformed in conjunction with liposuction and/or face-lifting.
All the above treatments are individually customized toward the patient's needs by Dr. Shire. In addition most all of them can be used in combination to achieve the best results. Stop hiding your neck and call for a consultation to be evaluation. It's easier than you could imagine.
Call now for your consultation. Shire Facial Plastic Surgery is Chattanooga's exclusive expert in all your facial cosmetic needs.